Sunday, March 2, 2008

Not sure why but...

My sidebar has migrated below my posts. I'm working on it, but I'm no great shakes at HTML, so it might be a while.

Right now I'm off to get ready to go to my niece's Christening. I'll try to fix the blog this afternoon.

Edited to add: I've fixed it! Yahoo!


monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

Fun show, you have great stuff!!! I can't wait till the Mt. Laurel! Did you find a dress you like for today?????

Unknown said...

Hi Elin,

It was really fun hanging out with you on Sat. I love your stuff as I see Shawn called it in her post. :) Anyway. Here is the link I was telling you about. you might already know about it but wanted to share it with you anyway.
